Indian Programming Camp Advanced Track

The Indian Programming Camp is a 3-day programming camp by CodeChef to enable learners to better their programming skills. We will have live classes and problem-solving by some of the top-rated programmers in the country. The Advanced track will focus on Flows, Suffix Structures, Persistent Centroid Decomposition, FFT & Variants, Segment Tree Beats, etc.

Welcome Note for IPC 2020

This is a welcome note for the IPC 2020 Camp. We will discuss the schedule and explain the track and get ready for the fun-filled intensive 3 day training camp!

Nov 20, 2020 • 0h 29m

Tanuj Khattar

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Persistent Data Structures

In this lecture, we will be discussing the concept of Persistence in Data Structures. Specifically, we'll look at various methods of making Segment Trees persistent and discuss their implementation.

Nov 20, 2020 • 1h 0m

Tanuj Khattar

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Linear Algebra

Educator Nishchay Manwani is Seven star on Codechef and International Grandmaster on Codeforces. This session is oriented towards division 1 participants and is a part of a 3 day workshop, 'Indian Programming Camp', in which he will discuss the basics of Linear Algebra and how to use it in Competitive Programming. Specifically how to use linear algebra on XOR related queries.

Nov 20, 2020 • 1h 0m

Nishchay Manwani

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Introduction to Biconnectivity

In this lecture we will be discussing what is bi-connectivity. Specifically we will cover Bridge Finding Algorithm and the data structure Bridge Tree (we will discuss its properties + implementation + application to problems)

Nov 20, 2020 • 1h 0m

Sidhant Bansal

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AMA by Surya Kiran & Pulkit Chhabra

In this AMA session, Surya Kiran and Pulkit Chhabra will discuss the importance of CP to get into FAANG companies and answer any questions that the viewers may have on the topic.

Nov 20, 2020 • 1h 0m

Pulkit Chhabra

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Suffix Arrays

In this lecture we will be discussing the suffix array data structure, commonly used to solve strings related questions. Our focus will be on how the suffix array is built (i.e implementation), its properties and how we can use it to solve actual string questions.

Nov 21, 2020 • 2h 0m

Sidhant Bansal

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AMA by Sidhant Bansal and Arjun Arul

In this AMA, Sidhant Bansal and Arjun Arul will answer questions related to and discuss about the International Olympiad in Informatics and how it helps school students.

Nov 21, 2020 • 1h 0m

arjun codechef

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Centroid Decomposition

In this lecture we will introduced the concept of Centroid Decomposition on Trees and show how it can be used to solve different types of update and query problems on trees. We will also discuss the concept of Persistent Centroid Tree.

Nov 21, 2020 • 2h 0m

Tanuj Khattar

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AMA by Sanket & Riya

In this class, Riya Bansal and Sanket Singh will be discussing tips and tricks for Placement Strategies for Intern and FTE Roles and answer any questions that the viewers might have.

Nov 21, 2020 • 1h 0m

Riya Bansal

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Introduction to Flows

Educator Nishchay Manwani is Seven star on Codechef and International Grandmaster on Codeforces. This session is oriented towards division 1 participants and is a part of a 3 day workshop, 'Indian Programming Camp', in which he will discuss the basics of Flow and flow related properties and algorithms and how to use it in Competitive Programming.

Nov 21, 2020 • 2h 0m

Nishchay Manwani

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FFT and Variants

Educator Nishchay Manwani is Seven star on Codechef and International Grandmaster on Codeforces. This session is oriented towards division 1 participants and is a part of a 3 day workshop, 'Indian Programming Camp', in which he will discuss Fast Fourier Transform and some of its variants. Specifically many polynomial operations using FFT will be discussed.

Nov 22, 2020 • 2h 0m

Nishchay Manwani

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AMA by Tanuj Khattar & Nischay Manwani

In this AMA session, Tanuj Khattar and Nischay Manwani will share their journey of becoming an ICPC World Finalist and International GrandMaster on codeforces.

Nov 22, 2020 • 0h 59m

Tanuj Khattar

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Segment Tree Beats

In this lecture, we will discuss a trick called Segment Tree Beats which can be used to support harder queries like Range Min/Max updates and Range Sum queries on Segment Trees.

Nov 22, 2020 • 2h 0m

Tanuj Khattar

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AMA by Riya Bansal

In this AMA Session, Riya Bansal will share her journey into the world of programming and share tips and tricks to learn in the best way possible and answer any questions that the viewers might have.

Nov 22, 2020 • 0h 30m

Riya Bansal

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DP Optimizations

We will assume familiarity with most classical DP problems, and focus on some of the optimization techniques like Divide and Conquer, Convex Hull Trick, 1D1D Optimization, Knuth's Optimizations.

Nov 22, 2020 • 2h 0m

arjun codechef

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Closing Note for IPC 2020

In this session, we officially wrap up the IPC 2020 Programming Camp. We will share the experiences of the camp and take feedback on what went well and what could be improved for next time.

Nov 22, 2020 • 0h 30m

Tanuj Khattar

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