How to Start your Preparation for CAT 2023 with Ravi Prakash

In this special class series, Ravi Prakash sir will mentor you all about what you need to know for cracking CAT 2023. This series will help you get answers to all the Questions you have in mind related to CAT 2023.

Ask Me More About CAT I Preparation Strategies

In this session, Ravi Prakash will answer all your doubts regarding CAT Preparation. The session will be of 60 minutes. Learners who are preparing for MBA Entrance examinations, specially XAT 2022 will be benefitted from the session. Class will be taken in English/Hindi and notes will be provided in English.

Feb 5, 2022 • 1h 8m

Ravi Prakash

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How to Target QUANT & LRDI Section for CAT 2022

In this session, Ravi Prakash will discuss the How to Target the Quant & LRDI Section for CAT 2022. Students preparing for CAT 2022 will be benefitted from the session. The class will be taken in English/Hindi and notes will be provided in English.

Feb 16, 2022 • 1h 7m

Ravi Prakash

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260 Days to CAT 2022 - How To Prepare Efficiently

In this session, Ravi Prakash will discuss the How to Prepare Efficiently for CAT 2022. Students preparing for CAT 2022 will be benefitted from the session. The class will be taken in English/Hindi and notes will be provided in English.

Mar 12, 2022 • 0h 58m

Ravi Prakash

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Started Your CAT PREPARATION in APRIL ? Follow this Strategy

In this session, Ravi Prakash will discuss the How to Prepare Efficiently for CAT 2022. Students preparing for CAT 2022 will be benefitted from the session. The class will be taken in English/Hindi and notes will be provided in English.

Apr 3, 2022 • 1h 18m

Ravi Prakash

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